Kingdom Mission International © 2019 All Rights Reserved
As you are prayerfully led, Kindly support

Opportunities for African Children and Youths (OACY)

Simple and secure. Give a single donation, or schedule a recurring donation using interac or a credit card.

$75 monthly per person is the cost of providing vocational training, a meal a day, on-going supportive counselling and start-up equipment for at-risk Children and Youths of Africa. However, kindly support Opportunities for African Children and Youths (OACY) mission project as you are prayerfully led.

A receipt for tax purposes shall be issued for donation over $20.

All contributions are payable to:

Kingdom Mission International (OACY)

Make your contributions by:

Mail cheques to:
55 Nugget Avenue
unit J
Scarborough, Ontario. M1S4A4

Interac / Credit Cards
Pay now with Paypal

Email your donation using interac email service (e-transfer) from your bank account to

Financial Accountability:
Kingdom Mission International adheres to high standards of biblical accountability, board governance, financial transparency, and proper use of charity resources. For questions regarding finances or online giving, contact